About Munruben

Munruben, located in Queensland, Australia, is a rural suburb characterized by spacious properties, farmland, and a peaceful atmosphere. It offers a tranquil lifestyle, with a mix of residential and agricultural land. The area appeals to those seeking a serene environment while still being within proximity to urban amenities.
 About Munruben

Suburb Statistics

* Derived from publicly available listing data over a 12 Month period starting September 01, 2023


33 Total number of listingsin the past 12 months
House listings33
Unit listings0
Median Days On Marketin the past 12 months
Average Sales Pricein the past 12 months


2,753 Total Suburb population
Age Range
879 Total Private Dwellings
Owned Ratio:90.76%
Rented Ratio:8.89%
Owned Ratio:100.00%
Rented Ratio:0.00%

Housing Market

House Statistics
Total Sold Properties21
Median Days On Market49
Median Sold Price$990,000
Rental Yield4.70%
Median Sold Price Growth5.60%
Vacancy Rate0.00%
Auction Clearance Rate0.00%
Unit Statistics
Total Sold Properties0
Median Days On Market0
Median Sold Price$0
Rental Yield0.00%
Median Sold Price Growth0.00%
Vacancy Rate0.00%

Listing Count - 12 Months

Sep '23Nov '23Dec '23Jan '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jul '24Aug '2401234
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Market Activity in (Munruben), last 12 months

Suburb listings
Number of Listings*12* House & Units
Suburb Rental Properties
Rental Properties*0
Suburb Sold Properties
Sold Properties*21* House & Units

Lifestyle and Amenities

Tranquil Rural Lifestyle:

Munruben offers a peaceful and rural lifestyle, characterized by spacious properties and a serene atmosphere, providing residents with a retreat from urban hustle.

Proximity to Nature:

The suburb is surrounded by natural beauty, providing opportunities for outdoor activities and a connection to nature, with parks, trails, and farmland.

Limited Urban Amenities:

While Munruben is primarily residential and rural, essential amenities are available nearby, and residents can access more extensive services in neighboring areas, fostering a balance between tranquility and convenience.

Lifestyle and Amenities
Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Land Development Potential:

Munruben's spacious properties and rural setting may present opportunities for land development, catering to those interested in creating residential subdivisions or agricultural ventures.

Rural Tourism Ventures:

The suburb's natural beauty and tranquility could attract investment in rural tourism, such as farm stays, agri-tourism, or other recreational activities that capitalize on the scenic surroundings.

Real Estate Development:

With a mix of residential and agricultural land, there may be potential for real estate development, including the construction of homes, estates, or facilities that complement the rural lifestyle while meeting the needs of the growing community.

Unique Characteristics

Rural Serenity:

Munruben stands out for its tranquil rural atmosphere, offering a peaceful lifestyle characterized by spacious properties, farmland, and a sense of retreat from urban bustle.

Nature Proximity:

The suburb's unique charm lies in its close connection to nature, surrounded by parks, trails, and picturesque landscapes, providing residents with opportunities for outdoor activities and a harmonious living experience.

Unique Characteristics